Sep 28, 2019
Does the new Creepshow live up to its name? Does it give us the Halloween awesomesauce we are looking for this year?
Sep 21, 2019
Serpents, and spiders, tail of a rat…
Call in the spirits, wherever they're at!
This week we talk about our favorite spells in film then look into our crystal ball and predict the future of horror for a second time!
Just saying....we totally predicted Witches were gonna have a comeback. You are...
Sep 13, 2019
Its spook season ok? So now its time to warm up get some tunes blasting and get freaky!
Nick and George each pick 5 unsettling, creepy, twisted and yet....tasteful! Music videos to help everybody get into the Halloween mood ;)
Sep 6, 2019
In this episode - Ready or Now review, thoughts on Dr. Sleep trailer and 5 must watch horror films released in the last 5 gets campy....then gets real reaaallllll fast!!!